Growing up in JHB, I had two passions, motorbikes and reptiles.
After high school it was into the army as a Medic, with 9 months of border duty.
Civilian life in 91’ brought a brief stint in the Congo as an agent for a Zairean airline. After which the next two years were spent crisscrossing Southern Africa in a VW beetle catching venomous snakes.
This transitioned into safari-guiding for the following 5 years.
Back to S.A. on the Wildcoast where I married my German wife Sandra. We started a family, renovated a guest house and launched a canoeing company.
3 years later the Namibian way of life was too strong and lured us back, with the next 8 years we added another son to our clan and more guiding mixed with wildlife documentary work.
2011 we returned to S.A. and a 12 year 50/50 mix of Namibian and E.Cape tour guiding followed.
After relocating to C.T. in 2023 I’ve qualified as a W.C guide and spend my free time exploring the province at every available opportunity!